1] F. Dogan, "Physically based Virtual Surgery Planning and Simulation Tools for Personal Health Care Systems,in IT Revolutions, Venice, Italy, 2008, pp. 69-78.
2] 3D Blood Flow Simulations in Human Arterial Tree Bifurcations, BIYOMUT: 14th National Biomedical Engineering Meeting Proceedings (IEEE Biomedical Engineering), May 2009, pp. 538-541.
3] F. Dogan and S. M. Celebi, "Nonlinear Viscoelastic Deformation of Soft Tissues,", in 15th International Biomedical Science and Technology, Cyprus, 2009, pp. 35-36.
4] Real-Time Deformation Simulation of Nonlinear Viscoelastic Soft Tissues, Simulation: Modeling and Simulation International, Dogan F. and Celebi M.S., Vol. 87, No.3, 2010, pp. 179-187.
5] 3D Blood Flow Simulation at the Geometry of Thirteen Main Arteries of a Human, Aribas E., S. Piskin and M.S. Celebi, Journal of Biomechanics-abstracts, Vol:44/S1, P.16, May 2011.
6] Computational Modelling of Thrombus Formation with Coupled Lattice Boltzmann and Discrete Element Methods, Okan D., Celebi M.S. and B. Şaylan, IASTED (Biomed 2011) Proceedings, DOI:10.2316/P.2011.723-119, pp.145-150.
7] A Parametric (inlet) Flow Analysis of 3D Human Carodit Artery Using Realistic Geometry, S. Piskin, Aribas E., and M.S. Celebi, Journal of Biomechanics, Abstract, Vol:44/S1, P.17, May 2011
8] A Comparison Between Non-Newtonian and Newtonian Blood Viscosity Models, Türkeri H., S. Piskin and M.S. Celebi, Journal of Biomechanics, Abstract, Vol:44/S1, P.17, May 2011.
9] Calculation of Material Coefficients of a Viscoelastic Gel for Validating Soft Tissue Deformations, Demir G., Doğan F. and M.S. Celebi, Journal of Biomechanics, Abstract, DOI:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2011.02.058, Vol:44/S1, P.58, May 2011.
International Cenferences, Workshops and Symposiums
1] A Carodit Artery Bifurcation Modelling for Blood Flow, Şenol Pişkin and M. Serdar Çelebi, 7th International Symposium on Fluid Control, Measurement and Visualization, Italy, August, 2003.
2] Piskin S., Celebi M. S., A Carotid Artery Bifurcation Modelling for Blood Flow , 7TH INT SYMP ON FLUID CONTROL, MEASUREMENT AND VISUALIZATION, FLUCOME '03, Sorrento, Italy, August 25-28 2003.
3] A Surface Reconstruction Approach for a Scattered Data Using Gaussian Sphere, International Conference on Signal Processing 2003, Antalya-TURKEY, 24-26 September, 2003.
4] A High Performance Computing Approach to Computational Fluid Dynamics Problems, 5th European Workshop on OpenMP, Aachen-Germany, September 22-26, 2003.
5] A Surface Reconstruction Approach for Scattered Data Using Convex Combination Mapping Method, Elif Üstündağ, Baybora Baran and M. Serdar Çelebi, International Conference on Signal Processing'2004, September, 2004.
6] A B-Spline Curve Fitting Approach by Implementing the Parameter Correction Terms, Elif Üstündağ and Serdar Çelebi, International Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Istanbul-TURKEY, June 27-30, 2005.
7] Effects of Changing the Parameters of a Carotid Artery Bifurcation Model, Şenol Pişkin and M. Serdar Çelebi, International Conference on Computer Aided Engineering and Computational Technologies for Industry (TCN CEA 2005), Lecce-ITALY, October 05-08, 2005.
8] Senol Piskin, M. Serdar Celebi, Effect of Changing the Parameters of a Carotid Artery Bifurcation Model, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CAE AND COMPUTATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR INDUSTRY - TCN CAE 2005, Lecce, ITALY, October 5-8, 2005
9] Three Dimensional Carotid Artery Modeling in a Parallel Environment, Şenol Pişkin and M. Serdar Çelebi, Meeting on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools Grid Generation, Approximation and Visualization, Lecce, ITALY, October, 2005.
10] Investigating the Effects of Variable Inlet Profiles at Main Carotid Artery and Different Carotid Artery Bifurcation Angles, Şenol Pişkin and M. Serdar Çelebi, International Conference on Computational Science and Education, Rochester-NY, USA, August 7-10, 2006.
11] Carotid Artery Modeling Using Real Geometry, S. Piskin, M.S. Celebi, Meeting on Applied Scientific Computing and Tools, Grid Generation, Approximation and Visualization – MASCOT 07, Rome-Italy, Sept. 2007.
12] A Study on Blood Flow Simulation in Human Carotid Artery Bifurcations, Aribas E., S. Piskin, M.S. Celebi, Mimics Innovations Awards, Belgium CAE Section, 2008.
13] Coupled Simulation of a Carotid Artery Bifurcation Model, Senol Piskin, Erke Aribas, and M.S. Celebi, 10TH Mesh Based parallel Code Coupling Interface USER FORUM, Bonn, Germany, February 17-18, 2009.
14] Performance Analysis of PDE Based Parellel Algorithms on Different Computer Architectures, İlker Kopan and M. Serdar Celebi, Fifth International Conference on Soft Computing, Computing with Words and Perceptions in System Analysis, Decision and Control (ICSCCW’09), Famagusta - North Cyprus, September 2-4, 2009.
15] Fully Automatic Chest Tube Figure Removing from the Postero-Anterior Chest Radiography, C. Ahmet Mercan and M. Serdar Celebi. IASTED International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging, Innsbruck-Austria, February 15 – 19, 2010.
16] Non-newtonian Blood Flow Simulation in a Realistic Artery Domain, Hasret Türkeri and M. Serdar ÇELEBİ, ECCOMAS CFD 2010, Fifth European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Lisbon, Portekiz, June 14-17, 2010.
17] A 3D Human Carotid Artery Simulation Using Realistic Geometry with Two-Level Bifurcation and Experimental Inlet Velocity Profile, Piskin S., Aribas E., Celebi M.S., ECCOMAS CFD 2010, Fifth European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Lisbon, Portekiz, June 14-17, 2010.
18] Simulation of Blood Flow in Human Aorta Including Thirteen Main Arteries, Aribas E., Celebi M.S., ECCOMAS CFD 2010, Fifth European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Lisbon-Portekiz, June 14-17, 2010.
19] Coupled Simulation of Viscoelastic Artery and Newtonian Blood Flow Models, Pişkin Ş. and Celebi M.S., 1st Int. Conference on Multiphysics Simulation, Bonn-Germany, June 22-23, 2010.
20] Determination of Material Constants of Viscoelastic Gel for Validating Soft Tissue Simulations, G.Demir, F. Doğan, Celebi M.S., The 2010 International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science (CACS 2010), Singapore, December 4-6, 2010.
21] Computational Modelling of Thrombus Formation with Coupled Lattice Boltzmann and Discrete Element Methods, Okan D., Celebi M.S. and B. Şaylan, IASTED International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (Biomed 2011), Innsbruck-Austria, February 16-18, 2011.
22] Fully Automatic of Chest Tube Figures From Postero-Anterior Chest Radiographs,C. Ahmet Mercan and S. M. Celebi, 11th IASTED International Conference Computer Graphics and Imaging, Innsbruck, Austria, 2010, pp. 298-302.
23] Visualization of Blood Flow Simulation in Human Arteries, E. Baltaoğlu, Ş. Pişkin, M.S. Çelebi, 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, FEMTEC 2011, South Lake Tahoe, USA, 09-13 May 2011.
24] Comparison of Two Blood Flow Simulations with and without a Compliant Vessel Wall Model, Ş. Pişkin, M.S. Çelebi, 3rd International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering and Science, FEMTEC (Finite Element Methods in Engineering and Science) 2011, South Lake Tahoe, USA, 09-13 May, 2011.
25] A Vessel Segmentation Method for MRA Images Based on Multi-scale Analysis and Level Set Framework, D. Uğurlu, S Demirci, N Navab, M.S. Çelebi, 14th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, Computing and Visualization for (Intra)Vascular Imaging, Toronto, Canada, 18-22 September, 2011.
National Conferences, Symposiums & Congresses
1] Elif Üstündağ, Baybora Baran, M.Serdar Çelebi , “A Surface Reconstruction Approach For Scattered Data Using Convex Combination Mapping Method” International Conference on Intelligent Knowledge Systems IKS-2004, Çanakkale, Turkey
2] 3D Blood Flow Simulations in Human Carotid Artery Bifurcations, Erke Aribas, Senol Piskin, M. Serdar Celebi, 14. National Biomedical Conference, Izmir-Turkey, May 20-24 2009.
3] Estimation of quasi-linear viscoelastic material parameters using nonlinear optimization method, Fırat Doğan and M. Serdar Celebi, 14. National Biomedical Conference-IEEE, Izmir-Turkey, Published in IEEE Xplorer, May 20-24 2009.
4] Indentation Experiments on Viscoelastic Gel Material for Validating Medical Simulations, Fırat Doğan, Gülnur Demir and M. Serdar Celebi, 15. National Biomedical Conference-IEEE, Biyomut 2010, Antalya-Turkey, May 20-24 2010.
5] 3D Blood Flow Simulations with 13 Main Arteries, Aribas E., S. Piskin, M.S.Celebi, 5. National Biomechanical Conference, Izmir-Çeşme, Turkey 2010.
6] Gerçek Geometri ve Çeşitli Deneysel Giriş Koşulları Kullanılarak Üç Boyutlu İnsan Şah Damarı Benzetimi, Şenol Pişkin, Erke Arıbaş and M. Serdar Celebi, 5. National Biomechanics Conference, Çeşme/İzmir-Turkey, Sept. 23-25, 2010.
7] Newtonyen olan ve olmayan Kan Viskozite Modellerinin Karşılaştırılması, Hasret Türkeri, Şenol Pişkin and M. Serdar Celebi, 5. National Biomechanics Conference, Çeşme/İzmir-Turkey, Sept. 23-25, 2010.
8] Shear Strees Analysis in Thirteen Main Arteries, Erke Arıbaş and M. Serdar Celebi, 16. National Biomedical Engineering Conference-IEEE, Biyomut 2011, Antalya-Turkey, Oct. 13-16 2011.
9] A Multi Grid Approach for Modeling of Deformable Soft Tissues , Elif Üstündağ Soykan and M. Serdar Celebi, 16. National Biomedical Engineering Conference-IEEE, Biyomut 2011, Antalya-Turkey, Oct. 13-16 2011.
10] Blood Flow Simulation with Pre-Defined Vessel Movement, Şenol Pişkin and M. Serdar Celebi, 16. National Biomedical Engineering Conference-IEEE, TIPTEKNO 11, Biyomut 2011, Antalya-Turkey, Oct. 13-16 2011 |